Electronic Record Sharing

If you attend the Walk-in Centre, as a Walk-in patient you will be asked by the clinician if you would like to share your record.

If you consent to share your record with the Walk-in Centre we will be able to view your registered GP’s record (providing they are using the same clinical system and you have consented for your record to be shared).  This allows our clinicians to treat you more effectively and allows us to see any medication that you may have a sensitivity or allergy to.

If you consent to share your Walk-in record out, your registered GP practice will be able to see the details of your Walk-in visit (again if your GP practice has the same clinical system).  This will help your GP with any follow-up treatment you may require.

You may also be asked by the clinician if they can access your Summary Care Record.  This record is a summary of your allergies and sensitivities and your current medication.  This will allow the clinician to make an informed decision if they need to prescribe you medication.

For more information on Summary Care Records click here

Remember:  We will never share any of your clinical information without gaining your consent to do so.